Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Winter Break Observations
Here's the actual NBA Skills Challenge I modeled my lesson after:
Monday, December 21, 2009
NASPE Beginner Teacher Standards
Standard 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge
Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.
To be successful as a physical education teacher, one must know how the body works. So far in my college career, I have take Anatomy I and II, Biomechanics, Motor Development and in the Fall of 2010, I will be taking Exercise Physiology and Motor Behavior. These classes are crucial as I will need to know how to explain to my students how to perform certain body movements.
Standard 2: Skill-Based and Fitness-Based Competence
Physical education teacher candidates are physically educated individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance and health-enhancing fitness as delineated in NASPE's K-12 Standards
Activity classes are not just for fun, they teach us proper form and also different methods of teaching different skills. So far in my college career I have taken Rhythm and Dance, Tactical Concepts, Skill Acquisition, Racket Activities, Adventure Activities and Aquatics. All of these classes have taught me the correct ways of performing skills and I now will be able to demonstrate them properly to my future students.
Standard 3: Planning and Implementation.
Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.
As a teacher, you must be able to have a flexible lesson. Not all students learn at the same level so you cannot teach as if they do. In my 255 class, and also in the CHAMP program last semester, I have had to repeatedly alter some lessons to fit the needs of certain students. I will have more practice with this in the future as I will be in the Adaptive Physical Education class in Spring of 2010.
Standard 4: Instructional Delivery and Management.
Physical education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning.
As a teacher, especially as a physical education teacher, you must have a loud and clear voice. This will ensure that your message gets across to the students. Also, to enhance learning, you can use visual aids. The visual aids should be very bright and creative so it "hooks" the students into the lesson.
Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning
Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and to inform instructional decisions.
This semester I was a "mentor" for Dr. Malmberg's EXS 197 class. In this class, we used many assessments to view the skills of our students and after we view them, we give them feedback on what they need to work on. During the semester, I met with many of my students and helped them develop their skills, which led to two of my students having the best scores out of all the EXS 197 students.
Standard 6: Professionalism
Physical Education teacher candidates demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals.
Just a few days ago, I received a letter from Dr. Couturier congratulating me on consistently showing excellent professional dispositions through out the semester. I will continue to demonstrate these dispositions as I continue my way to becoming a successful Physical Education teacher.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Fight the Good Fight! Beat Those Viruses!
This is the ship I used in the game. It was really cool because it was in the body and I can only imagine how great it would be for a human to shrink him or herself enough to go into a ship and travel through someone's body.

This is the drone I used to defeat viruses. It also sent signals to different areas in the blood vessels for the macrophages to go to so they can engulf some of the harmful diseases.

Other screen shots from the game and also yours truly in action:
If you would like to play the Immune Attack game, you can find it here.
Here's another Immune Defense game for you all to enjoy.
A game that I feel will demonstrate to students what Immune Attack was about would be a game that has the kids active so their immune system is working harder. Also, the game would incorporate concepts about the immune system so if the students do not understand the information in the classroom, they will better understand it through physical activity.
Lesson Plan Updated
Task Sheet Updated
Activity Sheet
Answer Sheet
Fall Semester Recap
Guiding the Freshmen Through Their First Semester
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Lab D: Bowling
For my final teaching lab, Lab D, I taught bowling. I felt extremely confident coming into this lesson because I learned a lot this year and I knew I was able to effectively teach this lesson. Seeing as this lesson was off campus at Cort-lanes, I knew my lesson was going to be cut short a bit because time was needed for the students to arrive and get their shoes and their bowling balls. As you can see in my lesson plan and my task progression sheet, I planned on doing many activities but I was only able to get to some of them. I also wanted to set up some Wii bowling but I was not able to because of the time constraints. In my feedback form, it shows that I only gave feedback to 5 different students, however if you listen to my audio, you can hear that I give more feedback but I do not say the names of the students I give feedback to. I cannot do the time coding sheet because the video of my lesson is only 5 minutes long whereas my whole lesson was 13 minutes long. Also, during the lesson I was faced with the challenge of an ESL student. I am able to understand Spanish fluently, however I cannot speak it fluently. I know that if I'm faced with this situation again I should find another student or teacher who can speak Spanish so I can get my point across. I felt as though this was my best lesson and I thank Dr. Yang and all the TA's for teaching me how to become a better teacher and I will remember these teachings in my future classes and profession.